Your work should be original and the paper should be in the IEEE format.
Soft copy should be sent to email ID: jephyr@jnn.edu.in
The subject of the email should be your topic name.
The acceptance details will be intimated through email.
Paper can be authored by maximum of two authors among which at least one of them should present the paper in the symposium, if selected.
The authors have to bring the ID card without fail on the day of presentation.
The authors are requested to bring two hard copies of the paper.
Only the authors who present the paper will be awarded with participation certificates..
A Team can have maximum of 2 participants.
Each Team will get 5 minutes to present their paper.
It will be followed by a question and answer session for three minutes.
The paper should be in IEEE format, not exceeding 6 pages.
The front page should have title of paper on the top and the details of the team members at the bottom.